Friday 19 August 2011

Exposure = Aperture + Shutter Speed.

If you are interested in pursuing further in photography, understand some basic is no harm. Firstly, you need not have to go very detail into this. But there is nothing wrong in beefing up yourself with a little extra; may be this can lead you to decide whether you can generate any further interest from here. Be begin with, regardless of whether you are using an entry level P&S (point & shoot) camera, or a high-end film/digital-based SLR camera, all you need to understand what are the few elements that can help to make a theoretical perfect exposure to be formed. In this case, it is not that confusing either, because it is actually quite simple where al the essentials can be concluded as a simple equation in Exposure = Aperture + Shutter Speed. To let you easier to digest what I said, an exposure can be interpreted in bare basic form - a developed image that can make you very happy about (minus the sentimental factor), other things like brilliance of colours, good contrast, well focus etc. - it is like things that simply make a cheerful day out of you...